February 18 > announcements re: requirements and research paper. Make sense of data. Go out into the classroom – you are a teacher but you are also a researcher. Why did that happen? What made that kid think that? Where id that come from? How do you make sense of these kinds of questions? In some fashion or another everyone is a researcher. Title > image and falsity. P. 14. Course booklet. Spectrum of ages – according to your interest, your curiosity. Need for consent. Make notes, need only audio, not generalizable. Research study goal – not to answer questions but to respond to specific stimulus and insights from the specific data: why does style make such a major difference in ado response? Censorship – images – story about a teacher walking through an exhibit of Greek statues – lost her job – parents complained. Research study: compare like with like; keep parameters stable. How does the content get into the medium? Responses differ from kids with and without “training” – engagement is deeper without training. Watch for enculturation. Critical issues emergent – difference between what you think vs. supposition of what others may thing – layered responses. Be comfortable talking about the images. Offer something back to the kids. Use common sense and have a nice conversation. What have we seen re: ado imagery? Sad alone or happy together. Ad images. Subconscious images and acceptance in girls’ school. What is “lookism”? Body image. Conscious and unconscious effect of these images. [it’s a very active conversation. lots of participation. Lots of hands in the air.] School secretary with boob job talking about it to the students. Issue of trust – important frame for these conversations. Racially ambiguous faces and features in ads. 13 yr old girls can’t walk out of the house without makeup. Take control of the bodies at least a little bit. Make a mask or mirror [armor] to hide uncertainty. Scope --not unique to our time and culture --but media as active participant --communities where makeup is not used the same way • dress as a form of expression • “strawberry jam” metaphor from a student. Basic issue related to human body that is changing. Relation of society to individuals. Changes – expansion – of this dynamic to kids beyond the “leisure” class. Girls trying on lip gloss types on subway. Looking at themselves through each other. “that lip gloss looks like what you’d wear to a party, but not a kids party, a real party, like a boy-girl party” ID confusion – multiple IDs. Ado not sure who they are. Try on different identities. Who are you talking to today? Mick Jagger – John Lennon – Justin Timberlake. ID achievement – continuing sense of self-sameness and yet different facets. But we don’t experience ourselves as different. Task of adolescent: to try on different identities. How is is that different from expression? As a mask? Or as a different naming? Experience as outer manifestation of something inside. Not a pathology but as an experimentation. [Judy M.: online profile changes] TASK >> learn something new that you’re not done before, something simple but physical. How does the body respond?

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