January 28 revisiting adolescence (your own) issues called into present amnesia vs. recall books (background from syllabus) related to contemporary adolescent development ref to own ado related to books, renaming dilemma of ado uncertainty required books (syl review) listen to youth – what do they bring to dialog? how do they make sense of what we put in front of them? What does this tell us about how we teach kids? [you will never look at works of art the same again] --plea to be informed, to keep yourself informed— ~~ ref to Pakistan visit {Lahore}[fear] checkpoints no tourists awareness of wariness visits with BFA/MFA students traditions of miniature paintings [as habit of mind, not “style”] lively and interesting children in school uniforms government schools @ exam, @ art ed : teacher draws and kids copy, score based on accuracy of the copy private schools : exams for college entrances politeness and uniforms not all had art classes in schools often “sheer technique” taught by rote in time – TC/Lahore exchanges question: when did you first know that you were grown up? Dawned slowly, sudden realization, someone told you or said something Body change, loss of child’s body Finding a job, growing out of self Working – bills – rent – car – forced into it Death of parent Needing to know what the adults knew to take care of the siblings Rites of passage – do they make you feel grown up? Going home but it wasn’t my home anymore Adult but not feeling adult Tragedy of not feeling it Peter Pan Syndrome How do you feel? Some kind of benchmark. What is that different place, space? No one believes my age and I feel like a child Felt like I had it together when I didn’t have to come home Adult & feeling like it. Teaching teenagers : irrational acting out, or not. Looked at problems differently – serious or less serious. How do you see yourself as being different? Realizing the sense of taking control for self identity Why do we need to project adulthood onto others? Sense of security Trusting that I knew what was best for myself When children see me as an adult Envisioning myself as a parent – mind boggling Needing to pretend how to be in control Why is this an important question? How to empathize with youth by recalling your own transitions? Why is it important to be the one who can manage and stabilize? You don’t stand outside development. Your own dev story matters. Why is a sense of your own growth or dev essential for how you handle youth in your classroom? : classroom as a confluence of stages, the env. On a broader scale To understand environment as part of the dev trajectory Defuses conflicts, provides alternatives. An attack activates defense mechanisms in the teacher Awareness of dev story enables reflective distance. Another part: it encourages personal growth Reverse projection: see yourself as ado – over identify, over project, make it worse To be able to stand back and be the adult Distance can destabilize context and defuse trigger points Mental block: respect returned to you. The two-way street. For students to learn where you’re coming from too… Youth need to see you as the model; they want you to understand them but not be like them. You represent that place that is more secure. You help keep them grounded. You can see youth as going somewhere, not as stuck. And you are part of the story too, participating, not standing separately. To be open and know what being open means -- not to make yourself vulnerable. Believe in the capability that all can be curious and can make meaning in the arts. 1) open = real belief in this capacity 2) at the beginning of ado kids ask lots of new questions that shift dev ….that has been misinterpreted because of the way we look at kids’ work. Realization not as ado – teaching 2 yrs – field trip with 1st graders – bus pass decision – assuming our own kind of responsibility What are you learning about yourself that’s part of your dev story? Being a teacher means paying attention in particular kinds of ways.